A Standard of Excellence that sets Miura apart from other Process Steam Boiler manufacturers
In-Service Efficiency is a measure of overall performance, no matter your load profile. High In-Service Efficiency is the level of performance every Miura Boiler customer can expect. This standard of excellence has been established based on taking all factors of the boilers operation into account (see chart below). For a further explanation, let’s review the common Definitions of Efficiency as related to the boiler… Miura has developed the term “In-Service Efficiency” to describe:
- Combustion Efficiency
- Thermal Efficiency
- Fuel-to-Steam Efficiency
and defines it as follows: The resulting efficiency of a boiler when the total operation cycles are taken into account such as day, night, weekends, high loads, low loads, standby loads.
It is a comprehensive efficiency which is based upon an operating model and is the “bottom line” efficiency, which should be used in any boiler comparison. It reflects how well a particular boiler design handles a particular operating model.

Highest In-Service Efficiencies in the industrial boiler industry
Based on today’s fuel costs, the average dollar savings Miura customers enjoy in steam production is approximately 20% over other boiler designs. At 10% to 40% fuel savings, Miura can save about $200,000 per year in fuel for a typical 600 BHP steam system with the price of natural gas at $0.90/therm.
The chart (below) compares in-service efficiencies of Miura boilers with both firetube and watertube boilers. Miura’s design results in optimal heating surface transfer with minimal water content for fuel-to-steam efficiencies of 85%. Although typical firetube designs can deliver up to 83% fuel-to-steam, studies comparing actual efficiencies have shown Miura averages 10% to 40% in fuel savings over standard firetube designs.